Effect of Healthy diet on Microbiome
A healthy diet is extremely important for mantaining a healthy microbiome.
Some examples of the effects of diet on the Microbiome are the following:
High Fibre diet: Eating a diet high in Fibre can benefit the healthy Bacteria in the gut. This is because fiber is not digestible by enzymes and serves as food for healthy Bacteria.
Fermented Foods: Eating fermented foods such as Kimchi, Kefir, and yogurt can help the healthy Bacteria in the gut.
Processed foods: Processed foods are high in sugar, trans fats, and artificial preservatives which can disrupt the healthy bacteria in the gut and lead to disease state.
Antibiotics: Avoid Antibiotics if possible. Antibiotics can kill the beneficial bacteria along with the harmful bacteria. Losing the beneficial Bacteria will have an effect on all our organ systems and can lead to a disease state. It is important to avoid antibiotics as much as possible unless they are absolutely needed.
Alcohol: Alcohol can disrupt the balance of good bacteria which can lead to the dominance of harmful bacteria.
Our next article will address the effect of poor sleep on the microbiome.